Keagan Stokoe

Software Engineer · South Africa ·

After graduating with degrees in business and law, I turned my sights to the world of software engineering. I aim to channel my analytical mind into building & delivering products that make complex processes intelligible and creating experiences that are clear & empathetic. On the weekend you’ll find me on the golf course, running my favourite routes, or writing at my favourite coffee shops.


University of London

Bachelor of Science
Computer Science

Grade: 91%

March 2020 - March 2022

Hyperion Dev

Software Engineering Program
Java and Python track

Grade: 99%

March 2021 - June 2021

University of Pretoria

Bachelor of Commerce
Accounting and Taxation

Grade: 70%

February 2015 - November 2018

University of Pretoria

Bachelor of Laws
Various modules

Grade: 78%

February 2015 - November 2018


Programming Languages & Tools
Other skills
  • Clear and concise writing
  • Product-mindedness
  • Agile Development & Scrum


Digital Course Creator & Technical Advisor

Care for Education

Planned, managed and directed online training courses. Viewed by over 5000 South African teachers. A further 25,000 are expected to use them in the next 3 years. An international course based on my work is in the development pipeline.

June 2020 - March 2021

Robotics Trainer

Hands on Technologies

Taught children from Atteridgeville township to design, implement and maintain Scratch programs using LEGO Education robotics products.

May 2019 - August 2019

Director of Partner Relations

Lessons in Conservation

LiC is an NPO founded with the aim of educating children in rural areas on conservation. Thousands of children across Africa have been educated through our initiatives.

April 2018 - December 2019


Red Bull Basement University

Designed an autonomous drone with facial recognition software using a Tello drone and OpenCV Python software. This was done in 6 days with no previous experience. Watch the video.

Smarter Than Covid

Built an interactive website and NoCode app to disseminate information about Covid-19 in South Africa. Included transmission, spread and growth per province and country and analysis of impact on global markets. Learn more about the project here.


Apart from being an engineer, I enjoy most of my time being outdoors. I am an avid golfer and runner, and spend time hiking whenever I get the chance.

When indoors, you'll likely find me with a book and cup of coffee at hand. I spend a large amount of my free time writing and exploring the latest technology advancements in the engineering world.